Dressing for Success

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Clothing and Your Career

If you can’t be better than your competition, just dress better. – Anna Wintour

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Power Dresser

In the workplace, sometimes the right clothes can do wonders for your career. 
And the right outfit choice can be the difference between a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’ for job applicants at interviews. 

A 1985 study discovered that job applicants who dressed formally during job interviews were more likely to be hired for the job than those who dressed casually. 

Another study showed that job applicants who were perceived to be attractive and well-dressed were more likely to be hired for the job than unattractive applicants. The attractive applicants were also more likely to command higher salaries.

Dress Style and Work Life
Are you aware your dress style impacts your work life? 
That’s not surprising because you work with human beings, people who make instantaneous judgments about others, just like you do. 
And the one of the most important criteria for those judgments is physical appearance. 

Studies have proven that managers tend to form impressions about other people; their subordinates, colleagues and senior managers based partly on their dress styles.

Acting Like a Boss
From the earlier modules in the Bodyshape Intelligence for Busy Professional Women Course, we've learned that wearing the right clothes for your bodyshape increases your self-confidence and this, in turn, makes you act more confidently. 

Acting more confidently means acting more like a leader. It means you stand out from others in the office and command attention from your bosses and colleagues.

For men, the suit is a powerful tool. When a man is a suit, he tends to behave more dominantly and during negotiations, he tends to ask for more. And he usually gets it!

Do you know that your co-workers tend to like, respect and trust you more when you dress right? For those starting a new job, consider your clothing choices if you want others to notice and like you. 

Facing Your Customers
Taking care of your appearance and wearing the right clothing is even more vital in customer-facing jobs such as customer service, sales and human resources. 

Many studies have even discovered that hiring managers for those jobs requiring employees to work with customers directly are more likely to discriminate based on appearance. 
Thus attractive job applicants are more likely to end up in these customer-facing jobs than unattractive ones. 

What does this mean for career women? 

At work and especially during presentations, wear dresses, well-tailored suits, shirts, skirts and/or trousers in the professional colours of brown, blue, gray, red, navy and black in the right style for your particular bodyshape.

Watch the free presentation of Chapter 14: Dressing for Success of the Bodyshape Intelligence for Busy Professional Women.
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