Win Life with Body Language and Dress Code Part 3
The Secrets to Using Your Body Language and Dress Code to Ace Your Business Presentations and Speeches In the two previous posts, I talked about the importance of body language and dressing in getting people to like you and even, be influenced, by you. Then, for that hopeful job applicant preparing for a job interview, I gave tips on how to speak, how to carry yourself, how to sit down, what to wear and a host of other valuable info. If you haven’t yet read the last two posts, you can read them here: Howto Influence Others with Your Body Language and Dressing TheSecrets to Using Your Body Language and Dress Code to Ace That Job Interview This post will tell you how you can use your body language and dress code for a major business event, such as a presentation or talk or speech, to help you achieve the results you desire. Let’s say you have a speech to give to shareholders in your company or, maybe, you have a presentation you’re to give to your customer’s top-...